Our solutions for ruminants

Solutions produits stress thermique - Thermo


ThermoPlus® helps animals improve their comfort in hot weather conditions. It promotes the dissipation of heat through the skin thus facilitating ingestion and digestion. Body temperature is lowered, production is maintained and the animals are visibly calmer and less out of breath

Our products

There are two versions of ThermoPlus for ruminants. A concentrated version intended for incorporation into concentrates or premixes and a version intended for use directly in the complete ration.


Product to be incorporated in the feed

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Delta® ThermoPlus®

Product to be incorporated in the mixed ration

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Our advice

Find out here what the impacts of heat stress are on ruminants and what practical preventive measures you can put in place on your farm to reduce its consequences. 

Thermo products : thermoplus and delta thermo plus

Thermo® products for ruminants

Thermo® products to ensure your pets’ thermal comfort can help. Discover all our advice to combat heat stress in ruminants.

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Animal husbandry management

Managing your cow herd well to cope with the heat peaks in the summer is of utmost importance. Discover all our advice to fight against heat stress in ruminants.

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Ruminant feeding

Adapting the diet of your ruminants is a key factor in avoiding heat stress as much as possible during the summer season. Discover all our advice to fight against heat stress in ruminants.

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Evaluation of the THI

The evaluation of the THI indicator is essential to calculate the heat stress in your farm. Discover all our advice to fight against heat stress in ruminants.

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May 29, 2024
Sunshine with cows under a tree

Understanding and managing heat stress during hot weather

Not only summers are warmer, but their shape has evolved, with alternating phases of variable temperature and periods of high humidity.

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April 23, 2024
Heat stress consequences on ruminants

Heat stress in farm animals: nutritional issues and solutions

Heat stress represents a major challenge for livestock, affecting their wellbeing and productivity significantly. When temperatures rise, animals seek to regulate their body temperature by reducing their food intake, resulting in a series of complex physiological responses. These responses include alterations in breathing patterns, blood gas imbalances and reduced blood flow to essential organs, thereby contributing to heat removal.

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February 23, 2024
Herd of young ruminants calves outside in a field with lots of sunshine

Heat stress has a major impact on young ruminants

The effects of heat stress on adult ruminants are now well known. More and more scientific research is now focusing on the impact of heat stress on young ruminants, and in particular on replacement dairy heifers.

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January 22, 2024
Ola de calor en el verano de 2023 en París, Francia

Summer 2023 Review: Increasingly Polymorphous Summers

The year 2023 was marked by one of the hottest summers in recent years. Unprecedented record temperatures all over the world. Despite an impression of gloomy weather in some countries such as France, the trend of increasingly hot summer is confirmed. The risk period has increased to 4 to 5 months in temperate climates and 7 to 8 months in subtropical climates. Let’s review in more details.

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Your testimonies

  • Joseph Touchais

    Dairy cow breeder in Ille-et-Vilaine

    “The cows suffered from the heat: they ate less and decreased production. I used Delta® ThermoPlus all summer and the difference is remarkable: the cows are eating better and especially from a behavioral and health point of view, it’s much better than previous summers!”

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  • Herd of goats on a goat farm


    Dairy goat farmer in Tarn

    At Gaec du Baylou (81), global warming is nothing new. Since 2017, the dairy goat farm has adapted to cope with rising temperatures.

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  • Élevage de ruminants

    GAEC du Soleil

    Breeding of Charolais suckler cows and meat poultry

    “In 2017, we decided to use Delta® ThermoPlus on our finishing batches. We see nothing but good things in Delta® ThermoPlus! There are no refusals, the ingestion is regular, the animals are lying down, calm and the performance, even if we don’t have an accurate measurement, is much better! We use the ThermoTool application to manage the distribution of the product and it is a very good indicator!”

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