Understanding and managing heat stress during hot weather

May 29, 2024
Sunshine with cows under a tree

Not only summers are warmer, but their shape has evolved, with alternating phases of variable temperature and periods of high humidity.

Mid climate in Europe

In 2023 in France, there were 78.2 days during June to September over the critical threshold of 71 THI, representing 64% of the time and 11.3 extra days. More remarkably, June has 9 extra days and September 8, while July and August have been cooler than the previous year. This clearly illustrates the extension of the risk period. In Spain, similar situation. 101.7 days out of 71 THI (83% of the time) with 7.1 extra days in June and September.

Jour stress thermique France et Espagne
Number of days per month with moderate heat stress in France and Spain

Hot weather in Vietnam too

Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam experienced the highest number of hot days in nearly 30 years. There are no more heatwaves but their duration is longer. Organisms (humans and animals) do not have time to partially recover and the sensation of heat is higher. This evolution is linked to the El Nino phenomenon. In May, the first seasonal rains appears aggravating the heat stress with heat and humidity association.

Consequences of heat stress and solutions proposed by CCPA

CCPA developed specific products to help the organisms to fight against the consequences of heat stress when included into feed or directly in the diedt by topfeeding. As the metabolism of pigs, poultry and cattle are different; there is one product for each specie.

If the duration of the critical period is longer, the distribution of the product must be longer. For example, four months in Europe and eight months in warmer areas. It is also very important to start as soon as heat starts and not wait until the animals are suffering.

Level of heat stress in farm animals according to temperature and humidity

Economic impacts of heat are huge. Associate different way like management, feeding, ventilation helps to limit financial losses.

To measure the sensibility to heat stress, CCPA uses the THI (Temperature and Humidity Index) which combines impacts of temperature and humidity. Download the ThermoTool app, available on smartphone to know the impact on your animals.