Heat stress: What do breeders think about it?

June 13, 2023
cows sun heat stress heat waves

279 dairy farmers interviewed in December 2022 give us their point of view

A survey of representative dairy farmers (66% in conventional, 34% in the mark of quality sector, 27kg of milk per day on average) spread throughout France (Agrinova 2022) made it possible to identify expectations and developments for the next 5 years.

The climate is the first factor of change in farms cited by breeders

Climate change comes in first place (25%) * ahead of changes in the price of inputs and milk (18%). In third place, tied with 16% of quotes, is the energy crisis and environmental standards. These disruptions are perceived as having a negative effect by 87% of respondents. The concern primarily concerns fodder selfsufficiency, with consequences for crop rotation. The rations will therefore be subject to change.

* what are the external factors that will have the greatest impact on your agricultural model in the next 5 years.

Farmers are investing and will continue to invest in heat stress management

More than half of breeders have already taken measures to manage heat stress and more than 1/3 will continue to invest.

well being livestock animals heat stress

More generally, 44% of breeders want to invest in animal welfare, which meets a strong societal expectation. The management of heat stress is perceived as a necessary change by an overwhelming majority of them: 87%.